Monday, January 28, 2019


First off---

Bullying is NOT okay under any circumstance. It is seen as cowardly and almost self-centered because the bully verbally, and sometimes physically, torments someone because of their own insecurities and self-doubt.

But cyberbullying is the ultimate level of cowardice. The bully hides behind their computer or phone screen to say awful things to their target that they would no otherwise say in person.

As someone who has been cyberbullied and witnessed their sister be cyberbullied, it does in fact cause as much emotional trauma as basic bullying. You go to school wondering who the bully talked to about what they said, what the bully actually said, and what if they approach you in person. It's a scary experience and makes those who enjoy going to school, not enjoy going to school as much anymore.

A heart-wrenching, yet painfully real movie about plausible effects of cyberbullying is called "Cyberbully" starring Emily Osmit. It was difficult to watch, but the events portrayed in the movie do occur in real life. The movie itself is for awareness of the problem of cyberbullying, and I believe more people should see it for the sole purpose of a reality check.